Food Distribution is available on the FIRST FOUR FRIDAYS OF EACH MONTH
From 9:30 to 11:30 AM and from 12:30 to 2:30 PM

Volunteers are needed on Friday Distribution Days and on Thursdays for Manna Truck Unloading and Box Packing. Click Here for the Schedule.

Distribution Center (No Mail)
189 Old Vale Road Newland, NC 28657
Click Here for Directions
Mailing Address: PO Box 1075 Banner Elk, NC 28604


Thank You! Empty Bowls Raises $16,000

Handcrafted bowls are the heart and soul of Empty Bowls, raising funds to provide food for people whose bowls might otherwise be empty. On Saturday, August 24th, the generosity and creativity of potters helped raise over $16,000 to purchase food for the nonprofit Feeding Avery Families. We especially thank the following potters & clay artists for donating their work for our 6th annual Empty Bowls event:

Russ Anderson, Cheryl Baduini, Mickey Banner & his Avery High art students, Francine Barr, Duffy Baum, Maggie Black, Ann-Lise Buch, Patti Connor-Greene, Jennie Cornett, Barb Darbin, Nancy Graham, Bryon Hanson, Becki Henderson-Gow, Amy Horton,
Jerry Hutchins & the ASU Clay Club, Marg Kuhl, Nancy Lewis, Maggie Lutz, Lisa MacDonald, Richard and Linda Marino, Theresa McGrath, Bob Meier, Cindy Michaud, Cindy Pacileo, Kathie Pifer, Elaine Rowgo, David Schroeder, & Tim Turner.

Thank you for giving so warmly and generously to your community!

Dick Larson, Executive Director, Feeding Avery Families
Jo-Ann McMurray, Assistant Director, Feeding Avery Families & Chair, 2019 Empty Bowls Committee
& all the FAF recipients & volunteers

The next Empty Bowls for Feeding Avery Families is August 23, 2020


FAF Updates